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Homework Policy

Imperial Unified School District recognizes homework contributes toward building responsibility, self-discipline and life-long learning habits, and time spent on homework directly influences students' ability to meet the district's academic standards. Our staff will make decisions on best practices and if homework is appropriate for learning. 

Cross Homework Plan 
The purposes of homework at Cross School may include: 
  • Practicing a skill or process
  • Preparing for new content
  • Reflecting on information learned in class to deepen knowledge
  • Providing opportunities to increase self-direction, time-management, and independence.

The staff at Cross School believes a successful homework policy includes the teacher, student, parent triad of learning.

Teacher Responsibilities:
  • Assign purposeful homework at the appropriate level of difficulty and only when learning will be enhanced.
  • Clearly communicate routines, directions, and expectations to parents and students.
  • Create a system to continually communicate daily assignments and projects (website, student agenda, homework log, homework folder, and/or class newsletter).
  • Continually monitor the amount of homework and provide feedback to parents and/or students.
Student Responsibilities:
  • Work with your parents to find a quiet place to do your homework. 
  • Create a schedule for when you will do your homework (think about all other after school activities that you will have to work around).
  • Independently, complete homework to the best of your ability.  Ask questions if needed. 
  • Tell parents and/or teacher if your homework is too hard. 
  • Make sure you have the materials you need to complete your homework when you leave school.
Parent Responsibilities:
  • READ to your child- this practice leads to higher achievement levels.
  • Work with your child to extend the learning opportunities at home. 
  • Create a schedule for when your child will do their homework (think about all other after school and family activities that you will have to work around).
  • If your child is consistently spending too much time or is having difficulty understanding assignments, please contact the teacher.
  • When it is time to go to bed, please stop your child even if he or she has not completed their homework.